
#1 out of 231,134,130 people.

#1 out of 231,134,130 people.  The inventor.  Brett’s ingenuity was #1 from among 231,134,130 people in the United States of America. There are over 231,134,130 people that could have 1st, invented and 2nd, been awarded a patent from the United States Patent Office for one of his inventions.  Brett was the one from among 231,134,130 people.  Moreover, Brett accomplished the legal technical work of an attorney and the scientific work of an engineer by completing the patent application himself, pro se.

Better Inventions

He remains zealous to see people invent their own methods and processes that are ‘way better’ by taking his authored courses. 

NAICS 541611 Consultant

Brett has multiple achievements in advancing the marketplace in new domains of knowledge. Since 2008 Brett has been in business as a consultant under the North American Industry Classification System number 541611. He was the founder of a solar energy consulting company. His company procured millions of U.S. dollars in renewable energy systems sales with an inspiring cost-to-profit ratio. After his acquired experience in the statewide utility infrastructure regarding the residential, commercial, and utility scale energy suppliers he was passionate about helping more people. He wanted to help the nationwide utility infrastructure diversify more energy suppliers that were domestic and cost-efficient. Brett went on to provide strategic counsel to the U.S. Department of Energy. Organizations increased their cost-to-profit ratio and retained earnings consistently for each quarter in their fiscal year. Contributing to our energy self-reliance, national security, and energy supply chain has been personally rewarding for him and our nation’s communities.

Economics, Inc.

The author has invested years of arduous hours of research and development (R&D) consisting of 1. Observations, 2. Hypotheses, 3. Explanations, 4. Recording, and 5. Refining. The relationships between (a) economics, (b) superior righteous (functional) codes of actions, and (c) the brain’s cognition functions were points of focus in R&D. The R&D involved cultures daily lifestyles worldwide from all income levels. After meticulous R&D, his novel literary works goal is to become an essential contribution to Christianity while simultaneously becoming an essential component within economics. He is the author of an Ivy League college level curriculum registered with the U.S. Copyright Office titled ‘Macroeconomics v.1 Superior Macroeconomic Policies, Maximal Financial Assessments for Individuals, Families, and Governments.’ It is his earnest desire to see all people afforded an enriched livelihood performing at their fullest capacity with Proverbs 14:34’s applications within macroeconomics, behavior economics, and brain cognition skills.

Please visit www.Economics.solutions


Real Estate

Following the energy industry Brett entered into the residential and commercial real estate industry.  He served in administration offices with the residential and commercial land owners and developers.  A brief [...]



The e-commerce trends have been consistently providing more efficient cost-to-profit ratios with automation.  Brett continued his career in consulting and business development.  He entered an industry that allowed him [...]


Patent Awarded

"It's not that I'm that smart, some of my inventions result from working on solutions to problems longer than others.  1 Cor. 13 Endurance over intellect." - Brett P. Phillips [...]